Koh, Yeongjun |
Associate Professor |
Computer Vision |
+82 42 821-5442 |
Kim, Kyungsup |
Professor |
Theory of Computation, Algorithm |
+82 42 821-5440 |
Kim, Ki-Il |
Professor |
Mobile Networks, Embedded Network | +82 42 821-6856 |
Kim, Young-Kuk |
Professor |
Mobile, Real-time Data Management |
+82 42 821-5450 |
Kim, Jaejeung |
Professor |
HCI, Digital Healthcare |
+82 42 821-6654 |
Kim Jong-iK |
Professor |
Database Systems,Query Processing and Optimization |
+82 42 821-7252 |
Kim, Hyeon Soo |
Professor |
Software Engineering |
+82 42 821-6657 |
Kim, Hyong-Shik |
Professor |
Computer System Architecture & Security |
+82 42 821-6277 |
Kim, Hyungshin | Professor |
Embedded System, Ubiquitous Computing |
+82 42 821-5446 |
Nam, Byeong-Gyu | Professor |
NPU, GPU, SoC Design |
+82 42 821-6858 |
Ryou, Jaecheol |
Professor |
Information Security |
+82 42 821-5443 |
Yang, Heecheol |
Assistant Professor |
Distributed Networks, Distributed Computing |
+82 42 821-6656 |
Park, Cheong Hee |
Professor |
Pattern Recognition, Data Mining |
+82 42 821-6293 |
Won, Yoojae |
Professor |
Cyber Security, Mobile Communication Security |
+82 42 821-6294 |
Lee, Kyu-chul |
Professor |
Database |
+82 42 821-6658 |
Lee, Sung Ho | Assistant Professor |
Programming Languages, Program Analysis |
+82 42 821-5445 |
Lee, Youngseok | Professor |
Computer Network | +82 42 821-6655 |
Lee, Cheolhoon | Professor |
Real-Time Systems, System Software | +82 42 821-6659 |
Lim, Sungsu |
Assistant Professor |
Big Data Analysis, Network Science |
+82 42 821-5448 |
Jhang, Kyoungson |
Professor |
AI, Computer Vision |
+82 42 821-6653 |
Jang, Jinsoo |
Assistant Professor |
Information Security, System Security |
+82 42 821-6275 |
Jung, Sangkeun |
Associate Professor |
Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning |
+82 42 821-5444 |
Jo, Seungbum |
Assistant Professor |
Algorithm, Data Structure |
+82 42 821-5447 |
Cho, Eun-Sun |
Professor |
Programming Language |
+82 42 821-6857 |
Choi, Hoon |
Professor |
Distributed System |
+82 42 821-6652 |